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Showing posts from June, 2021

Swiftcurrent Happenings Week 4

MAIL Quinn Endicott/SWC  110 9th Street West Columbia Falls, MT 59912  6/18/21 Nothing spectacular about today beyond the jam session that I sat in on in the housekeeping office at 1am after work. Two guys took turns playing guitar and singing while a few of us listened to them. It was a pleasant evening hanging out there and am hoping that this week has plenty of opportunity to adventure! 6/19/21 Today was my day off so I went with a group of guys to Ptarmigan Lake, which was the most intense hike I have done yet. We changed 1,000ft in elevation over 1.5 miles. The lake itself was still covered in snow and ice but the spot was fun to get to! I ended up crossing to the back of the basin while the other guys stayed at the front until I got back. Later in the evening there was a group of us that were off for the day and we were talking outside of the EDR when someone mentioned that a small rubber slingshot chicken was stuck in the pine tree. We then proceeded to throw small rocks to try

Swiftcurrent Happenings Week 3

MAIL Quinn Endicott/SWC  110 9th Street West Columbia Falls, MT 59912 6/11/21 Today I finally worked something different than 3-11 and got off of work at 6pm! I didn't have much planned so I ended up meeting up with my ministry partner and seeing if our friends from West Glacier had arrived at their campsite for the weekend. They weren't there so we went back to our EDR (employee dining room) and saw the security guard friend (we will call him R) of mine and invited him to join us later. He ended up grabbing his guitar and playing some music to kill time. He wrote a few original songs and played them for us and it was very applicable to the environment around us. Later we checked again for our friends and they had arrived. So we joined them for a small campfire and continued to listen to R play guitar for a while. It was a pleasant evening with great company. 6/12/21 Today was my first day off in a while and I ended up deciding to join a group that hiked to Cracker lake. The hi

Swiftcurrent Happenings Week 2

 6/4/21 Today was a big day! Myself and two other employees at Swiftcurrent, maintenance and security guys, went to the summit of Altyn Mountain, 7,947 ft! It was quite a journey to get up there. First we were bushwhacking through the pines being loud so that any animals would avoid us. Then we reached an open plain area as the terrain grew steeper. We made it to the base of the mountain in around 35 minutes so we were pretty optimistic about getting through the whole hike within 3 hours. However, we did not realize that the steepness of the slope would slow us down so intensely. We traveled a quarter mile in about an hour because of how the rocks were like loose sand so every two steps was only one step. We were careful to take breaks throughout the trek up so that we could adjust to altitude and not overwork ourselves. The security guard was really pushing himself because he had not done anything like this before so once we had reached a certain difficult part he found a cave to sit